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Privacy Policy

Updated: April 2021


This privacy policy gives you an overview of the processing of your data by A Table in a Box. It applies to the website as well as to other products and services offered by A Table in a Box.

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or data protection at A Table in a Box, you can contact our data protection team at: data Please also send an email to our data protection team if you wish to exercise your right of access or your right to erasure of your data or any other data protection right in accordance with Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, including revocation of your consent for marketing, unsubscribing from the newsletter, etc.

1. Scope of this privacy policy

This privacy policy therefore applies to all the products we offer to our customers in Switzerland and the European Union, whether we do so on a website, by telephone, or on social networks or other channels.

A Table in a Box is a general partnership with its registered office at Rue Adrien-Lachenal 22, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland (CHE-443.995.357) ("A Table in a Box").

2. What data is processed by A Table in a Box?

Your data is all information that allows us to identify you immediately or by combining it with other information. Examples: your name, phone number, customer number, order references or email address. All information that does not allow us to identify you (even in combination with other information) is non-personal data. Non-personal data is also called anonymous data. When we combine your personal data with anonymous data, all data included in that dataset is considered personal data. When we remove personal data from an information or data set about you, the data remaining in that data set is no longer considered personal data. This process is called anonymization. In principle: If we ask you to provide us with certain personal information, you can of course refuse. You decide what information you send to us. However, we cannot possibly offer you the desired products (or not optimally).

Thus, we cannot, for example, have a package delivered to you without your delivery address. If only certain indications are necessary for the provision of a service (mandatory data), we will let you know by expressly indicating it to you.

2.1 Profile data

Profile data is personal information about your person (first name, last name, contact details, email address and the password you choose) that you send to us when you register to open a customer account.

When you contact us, we enter your details. Depending on your method of contact (eg by phone or e-mail), your contact details may include your name, postal address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, details of your profile in social networks (eg. we receive your Facebook ID if you contact us through Facebook), your username and similar contact details.

2.2 Purchasing data

If you place an order with A Table in a Box, we enter your purchasing data. Depending on the type of sale and the processing status, the purchasing data may include the following information:

  • order reference

  • details of the items purchased (designation, color, price, etc.)

  • indication of payment method

  • delivery and billing address

  • notifications and information relating to purchases (e.g. withdrawal statements, complaints and customer service notifications)

  • delivery and payment status, eg. "Completed" or "Sent"

  • return status, eg. "closed"

  • information from service providers participating in the execution of the contract (for distance sales, shipper tracking number)


2.3 Payment data

We offer you the usual payment methods in online commerce - including prepayment, credit card, PayPal or invoice. For the processing of payments, we enter the payment data you provided. We receive other payment data from external payment service providers with whom we work for payment processing and credit checks. We only transmit to our payment service providers the data necessary for the execution of the payment.

The payment data are for example:

  • preferred payment method

  • billing addresses

  • IBAN and BIC or account number and bank code

  • credit card data

  • credit data

The payment data also includes other information directly related to the payment process and the credit check. For example, this is information used by external payment service providers for identification purposes, such as your PayPal ID (if you are paying with PayPal).

A Table in a Box manages payments, receivables management and credit checks in connection with all purchases in the A Table in a Box online store. The credit data includes our own records of your current payment behavior with A Table in a Box. Solvency data provides information on a person's estimated financial capacities and their willingness to perform their obligations.


2.4 Interest data

When you interact with our services, the data generated informs us about the content, topics, or products that interest you. This way, the next time you search, we can show you, in the first place, the products that you are probably most interested in.

2.5 Notifications, content of interviews

When you contact us or when you contact other users about products (e.g. customer reviews) and other topics by phone, mail, social media, contact forms or in any other way, we capture the content of your notifications. If you provide us with information for other users (e.g. customer reviews) through the dedicated function, we may publish it within our services.

2.6 Social media data

A Table in a Box maintains profile pages (called "fanpages") in various social networks. In addition, the services offered by A Table in a Box may include social networking functions. These can be messaging services, as well as login tools or social plugins such as "Log in with your Facebook account". If you are in contact with us through our social media profiles, or if you use social networking features built into our services and you are a member of the relevant social network, we may receive from the operator of the social network of data allowing you to be identified.

Usually we can have the following data:

  • The details appearing in your public profile, stored by the social network in question (for example name, profile picture etc.)

  • Details about the device you are using to log in

  • The account ID of your profile with the relevant network (such as the Facebook ID)

Currently, A Table in a Box employs the messaging services and social plugins / social plugins of Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest for their respective social networks.

2.7 Geolocation data

Each terminal connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number with several digits (example: This is the IP address.

The first three digits of an IP address are usually assigned to a specific region or Internet provider. Thus, the IP address allows to know approximately the location of the Internet connection. We use this process (called geolocation) in the context of scam detection to detect suspicious orders (e.g. in certain situations it may appear suspicious that an IP address from a country where you have never had a orders is used to place an order through your customer account).

2.8 Data indicated during actions and surveys

If you take part in any of the actions organized by A Table in a Box (e.g. competition) or a survey (e.g. customer satisfaction surveys as part of market research), we ask you for information on your person. For a competition, for example, we usually ask you for your name and email address, so that we can let you know if you have won and to ensure that each participant only participates once. For certain actions and surveys, we may also ask you for other information.

2.9 Terminal data and access data

Device and access data are generated when using online or mobile services, for example when using websites, social network fanpages, e-mail newsletters, or communication services. geolocation. A Table in a Box collects fitting and access data for the online and mobile services it offers.

Fitting and access data includes the following categories:

  • General information relating to the terminal or the internet connection used.

  • Identification data (ID), such as session IDs, cookie IDs, terminal identification numbers (e.g. Google advertising ID, Apple Ad ID), account IDs of third-party providers (if you use social plugins or social logins or if you pay by PayPal) and other common internet technologies.

  • Access data transmitted automatically during each online access to web servers and web browsers (in the context of HTTP requests).

3 For what purposes are my data used by A Table in a Box?

A Table in a Box processes your data in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Thus, we process your data only for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy or when entering your data. This primarily concerns the processing of purchases and the provision, personalization, development and security of our services. In addition, we use your data within the limits of the strict rules of Swiss and European data protection law, but also for other purposes, such as product development, scientific research (especially in the areas of machine learning , artificial intelligence and deep learning) and market research, for the optimization of business processes, the adaptation of our products to needs, and personalized advertising.

We process your data for the following main purposes:

  • the provision, personalization and adaptation of our products to our needs such as those of our online store A Table in a Box.

  • The execution of sales contracts and the handling of customer service, including the handling of shipments and payments, the handling of receivables, as well as the handling of returns, complaints and warranty cases.

  • The provision of messages, notifications, newsletters and other direct communications.

  • The guarantee of the general security, functioning and stability of our services, including the blocking of attacks.

  • Non-advertising communication with you on technical, security and contractual matters (e.g. scam warning, account blocking or contract changes).

  • Carrying out actions and competitions.

  • Personalization of shopping (analysis of the relevance of products and content for each user).

  • Research, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

  • The choice of payment methods. 

  • The solvency check.

  • Advertising and market research.

  • Product and technological development.

The legal basis for the processing of your data as described above lies in article 6, paragraph 1, letter a, b, and f of the GDPR.

We also process certain data on the basis of your consent. The data we process on the basis of your consent depends on the purpose of your consent. Typical objectives are for example:

  • Subscription to a newsletter.

  • Participation in surveys and market research.

  • The transmission of your data to third parties or to a country outside Switzerland or the European Union.


You can withdraw your consent for the future at any time, for example by e-mail or post.

4 Website info

We use your data to provide the A Table in a Box website. In addition to the data relating to the terminal and the access data generated during each use of these services, the type of data processed, as well as the purposes of the data processing, depend on how you use the functions and services available through our services. In addition, we use the data generated when using our services to determine how our online offer is used. We use this information in particular in the context of shopping personalization in order to improve our services and to offer personalized advertising.

In principle, we collect all the data that you transmit to us directly via our services.

Terminal data and access data

Each time we access our servers and databases, terminal data and access data are generated and recorded in server log files. The IP address is anonymized within a very short time after access, as soon as the storage is no longer necessary for the continued functioning of the respective website.

For advertising purposes, we enter a terminal-specific identifier, if it exists and is activated on your terminal (eg an "Advertising ID" if you are using an Android or an "Ad-ID" if you are using an Apple). This terminal identifier is assigned by the manufacturer of the operating system of your terminal and can be read and used by websites, in order to present content based on your usage habits. If you do not wish it, you can deactivate it at any time in the browser or system settings of your terminal.

Log in

For users who register to create a customer account or another service, we provide personal password-protected access. If you do not log out after logging in with your access data, you will automatically remain logged in. For security reasons, however, you will be asked to re-enter your password, for example if you want to change your profile data or if you want to place an order.

Social Plug-ins

Our services may contain social plug-ins ("plug-ins") from various social networks. These plug-ins are disabled by default and therefore do not send data. By clicking on the corresponding button (eg "activate social media") you can deactivate the plug-ins. If the plug-ins are activated, your web browser establishes a direct connection with the web servers of the relevant social network. The content of the plug-in is then transmitted directly from the social network to your browser and from there integrated into our website. By integrating plug-ins, the social network receives the information that you have visited the corresponding page of our website and can enter your terminal data and access data. If you are logged into the social network, it may affect your visit to your account. If you interact with the plug-ins, for example by clicking on the Facebook "Like" button or by commenting, the corresponding information will be transmitted directly by your browser to the social network where it will be saved. To know the purpose and volume of data collected, as well as to find out more about the processing and use of data by social networks and your rights and settings options to protect your privacy, please consult the policy of confidentiality of the social network concerned. Even if you are not logged in to social networks, data may be sent to networks by sites with active social plug-ins. An active plug-in allows you to place a cookie with an ID each time you visit the site. Since your browser automatically sends this cookie each time you connect to a server, the social network could, in principle, create a profile on the pages that the user corresponding to the ID has visited. It would then be perfectly possible for us to subsequently assign this identifier to a person during a subsequent connection to the social network.

Social plug-ins from Facebook

On some websites we use social plug-ins from the social network operated by the company Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ("Facebook").

Social plug-ins from Pinterest

On our site, we use plug-ins from the social network Pinterest operated by the company Pinterest Inc., 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA ("Pinterest").

Personalization of shopping

In our services, the data relating to the terminal and the access data generated by the usage analysis during each use are used for the personalization of shopping. Depending on the type of service, standard tracking technologies are also used in combination with tracking pixels and identification cookies or comparable IDs (tagging). We may therefore present you with advertisements and / or offers whose content corresponds to your interests. Our goal is to make our offer as welcoming as possible. Of course, you can continue to use all contents and functions. However, this on-site optimization allows us to present you with the content and functions that interest you. On-site optimization is carried out automatically by our systems.

5 Information on website cookies

Our website uses cookies. You are not required to accept cookies to view our website. However, we inform you that the functionality of our website may be limited if you do not accept cookies. You can configure your web browser so that the recording of cookies is subject to your consent.

5.1 What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved by your web browser which record certain settings and data to enable exchanges with our web server. In principle, there are two types of cookies: session cookies which are deleted as soon as you close your browser and temporary / permanent cookies which are stored for a longer period of time. This recording allows us to develop our site and our services accordingly and to facilitate your use by recording, for example, certain data, so that you do not have to enter them permanently. In general, the assistance function of the menu bar of your browser shows you how to refuse new cookies and block cookies already received. As these are computers used by more than one person and configured to accept cookies and flash cookies, we recommend that you close your session when you leave our website.

For our services, three categories of cookies are used:

  • Essential cookies: These cookies are necessary to navigate and to use the website optimally. For example, these cookies make it possible to ensure that the selected products remain saved in your shopping cart while you continue shopping. Essential cookies also make it possible to save certain entries and certain settings that you have made, so that you do not have to repeat them constantly. They also make it possible to adapt the contents of A Table in a Box to your personal interests. Without essential cookies, the website cannot be used, or only in a limited way.

  • Statistical cookies: These cookies collect data relating to the terminal and access data in order to analyze the use of our website, for example which areas of the website are used and in what way (browsing habits), in which speed the contents are downloaded and if errors occur. These cookies contain only anonymous or pseudonymous information. They are only used to improve our website and to find out what interests our users, as well as to measure the effectiveness of our advertising. Statistics cookies can be blocked without hindering navigation and use of the website.

  • Marketing cookies ("tracking cookies"): These cookies contain identifiers and enter data relating to the terminal and access data, in order to tailor personalized advertising on the A Table in a Box website to your personal interests . Our advertising partners who also operate online advertising networks also enter terminal data and access data on our website. Marketing cookies can be blocked without hindering navigation and use of the website. If necessary, no personalization of the shopping can be carried out.


5.2 Online Advertising / Retargeting

Our website contains cookies and similar tracking technologies from advertising partners who operate an online advertising network. You can deactivate the processing of your data for retargeting at any time.

5.3 Usage analysis

We use standard tracking technologies to analyze terminal data and access data. This allows us to find out how our offer is generally used by our users. For this purpose, identification cookies and comparable identifiers are used. You can deactivate the processing of your data for the purpose of usage analysis at any time.

6 Information relating to social network fanpages

A Table in a Box maintains profile pages (called "fanpages") in the social networks Facebook and Instagram. We regularly publish and share content, offers and product recommendations on our fanpages. The social network operators record your usage behavior by means of cookies, and similar technologies, with each of your interactions on our fanpages or on other pages of Facebook or Instagram. Fanpage managers have access to general statistical data on the interests and demographic characteristics of internet users viewing a fanpage (eg age, gender, region, etc.). When you use social networks, it is primarily the operators who define the type, scope and purpose of the processing of the data collected there.

6.1 Supplier / Responsible party

A Table in a Box appears in the legal notice of the fanpage in question. The social networks Facebook and Instagram are both maintained by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland ("Facebook"). Insofar as you communicate with us directly through our fanpages or share content with us, A Table in a Box is responsible for the processing of your data. An exception applies to the processing of data for the purpose of usage analysis ("Page Insights"). In such a case, we are jointly responsible for it with Facebook.

Please note that Facebook also manages your data when you use our fanpages for purposes that are unique to Facebook, which this privacy policy does not cover. We have no influence on these data processing operations of Facebook. In this regard, we refer you to the privacy policy of Facebook and Instagram.


6.2 What data is collected?

When you visit our fanpages, A Table in a Box collects all communications, content and other information that you provide to us directly, for example when you post something on a fanpage or send us a private message. . Of course, if you have an account with a social network, we may also see your public information such as your username and details in your public profile, as well as the content you share with the public.

Whenever you interact with a fanpage, Facebook employs cookies and other similar technologies to track your user behavior when you visit a fanpage. On the basis of the information collected, the operators of fanpages obtain statistical data relating to the consultation of the site.

This data is referred to as "Page Insights". The "Pages Insights" only contain anonymized statistical information on the people who consult the fanpage, that is to say that this data cannot be related to particular people. We do not have access to the personal data that Facebook uses to obtain its “Page Insights” (“Page Insights Data”). The choice and processing of data relating to "Pages Insights" are carried out exclusively by Facebook.

The "Pages Insights" provide us with information on how our fanpages are used, on the aspects that interest visitors to our fanpages, as well as on the subjects and contents which are particularly appreciated by Internet users. This allows us to optimize the activities that we deploy on our fanpages.

A Table in a Box and Facebook assume joint responsibility for the processing of your data with a view to obtaining "Pages Insights".

If you have consented to Facebook collecting statistical data for its "Pages Insights", the legal basis is Article 6 (1) a GDPR (Consent). Otherwise, Article 6 (1) f GDPR applies, observing that our legitimate interests lie in the aforementioned purposes.

6.3 What are my data protection rights?

Of course, your privacy rights, as defined in the chapter "What are my data protection rights?", Also apply to the processing of your data in connection with our fanpages.

With a view to processing your "Pages Insights" data on Facebook, Facebook will be primarily responsible for providing you with information about your data relating to "Pages Insights", as well as to enable you to exercise your rights to privacy according to the GDPR (for example the right to object). You will find more information on your rights relating to data protection in connection with the "Pages Insights", and on the way in which you can exercise these rights in relation to Facebook, here: https: //fr-fr.facebook .com / legal / terms / information_about_page_insights_data

7 How is my data used by A Table in a Box for advertising purposes?

We use your data to present you with personalized advertising in the services of A Table in a Box. In this regard, we and our advertising partners use the internet technologies which are customary on the market. As a result, we can present you with targeted advertisements and provide you with advertisements and offers that are of real interest to you. This allows us to better meet the needs of our users after personalization and discovery of new products and to interest you in our services in the long term thanks to a more personalized shopping experience.

7.1 Advertising formats and channels

The advertising formats used by A Table in a Box include presentations appearing in the A Table in a Box store (as part of on-site and in-app optimization), advertising messages on social networks (eg. Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Video Ads) and advertising space transmitted by online advertising networks used by A Table in a Box, such as DoubleClick by Google.

A Table in a Box does not sell personal data.

7.2 How do we use this information for online advertising in the A Table in a Box store

We use the information mentioned above as part of on-site optimization to provide you with relevant suggestions and content when you search for products. On-site and in-app optimization is based on cookies and similar identification technologies for the purposes of pseudonymous entry of terminal data and access data. If you do not want on-site optimization, you can deactivate this feature at any time:

7.3 in social networks

When we advertise through social media advertising formats (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram), we have the option of transmitting to the relevant social network, in encrypted form, information about users of A Table in a services. Box (e.g. terminal and access data, such as advertising IDs and cookie IDs, e-mail addresses) which we assume to be part of the target group of an advertising customer or to have characteristics specific (eg age group, region, interests). The social network concerned, either on our behalf as a subcontractor, or with the consent of the user concerned, decrypts the data that we have transmitted and presents to the user (if he is a member of the social network concerned) , the advertisements that we have reserved, within the limits of the conditions of use of the social network concerned.

If you do not want us to use your data to present you with personalized advertising in social networks, you can deactivate the transmission of your data on our site.

You may have the option of directly deactivating the use of your data for personalized advertising by the social networks you use with the operator concerned. For more information, please contact directly:

  • Facebook (Facebook, Instagram) (Information on Facebook advertising messages / Settings for Facebook advertising messages)

  • Google (Google advertising network, YouTube, Google search) (Information about Google advertising messages / Settings for Google advertising messages

7.4 on advertising space transmitted by online advertising networks (retargeting)

Advertising partners who operate an online advertising network may use cookies and other technologies in the A Table in a Box store, on the websites and in the apps of other operators to pseudonymously capture your usage patterns. using terminal data and access data. These advertising partners use the data entered to determine the likelihood of your belonging to our target group and take this into account in the choice of advertising messages on advertising spaces transmitted via its online advertising network. This standard internet technology is called retargeting. Retargeting allows us to deliver the advertisements that are certainly of interest to you and to measure the effectiveness and reach of advertising media, but also to monitor the invoices of our advertising partners for the campaigns launched. You can obtain further information from the operators of the advertising spaces concerned and the online advertising networks responsible for their transmission.  You can deactivate the processing of your data for retargeting purposes on our site at any time.

8 To whom are my data transmitted?

A Table in a Box only transmits your data if Swiss or European data protection law allows it. We work very closely with certain providers, for example with logistics companies (eg postal operators like DHL). These service providers can in principle process your data on our behalf only under certain conditions. If they are our subcontractors, the service providers only have access to your data to the extent and for the period necessary for the provision of the service concerned.

8.1 Senders

For the delivery of orders we work with external carriers (eg DHL). We transmit to the carriers for the purposes of carrying out their mission the following data: your name, your delivery address, your e-mail address and / or your telephone number (if the carrier wishes to inform you by e-mail on the delivery date planned).


8.2 Financial service providers

A Table in a Box offers various payment methods, such as payment by credit card, payment by PayPal, and payment by invoice. For this purpose, payment data may be transmitted to financial service providers with whom we work. For more information on the processing of your personal data by financial service providers, please see their privacy policy.


8.3 Information agencies

Cooperation with credit bureaus for the purposes of fraud prevention, payment method determination and credit check is country specific in order to take into account the specificities and requirements of each country.

8.4 Social media networks

In the context of advertising campaigns, we transmit data to social network operators within the limits of data protection law.

8.5 Authorities and other third parties

If an authority or a court decision requires us to do so or for the purposes of legal or criminal proceedings, we transmit your data to the prosecution authorities or to any other third party.

9 What are my data protection rights?

With regard to the law and under the conditions it defines, you have the following rights in terms of data protection: right of access (article 15 RGPD), right of deletion (article 17 RGPD), right of rectification (article 16 GDPR), right to restrict data processing (article 18 GDPR), right to data portability (article 20 GDPR), right to object to a data protection supervisory authority (article 77 GDPR) , right to withdraw consent (article 7, paragraph 3 GDPR), as well as the right to withdraw certain data processing measures (article 21 GDPR). If you wish to exercise your data protection rights, you can contact our data protection team at any time at data

  • If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can withdraw it at any time. The withdrawal has no influence on the legitimacy of the processing of your data prior to your withdrawal.

  • You can object at any time and without giving any reason to the processing of your data for advertising purposes, including for direct advertising purposes (even in the form of data analysis).

  • If you believe that A Table in a Box's processing of your personal data is unlawful, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In the case of Switzerland, this is the Federal Data Protection and Transparency Officer.

If the processing of your data is based on a balancing of interests in accordance with Art.6 para. 1 lit.f GDPR (e.g. notification of credit data to an external intelligence agency), you can do so opposition to data processing. When you file an objection, we ask you to tell us the reasons. If your objection is justified, we will examine the facts either before suspending or adjusting data processing, or before indicating to you our compelling and legitimate reasons for continuing to process your data.

10 When is my data deleted?

Your personal data remains stored for as long as necessary for the purposes of this privacy policy, in particular for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual and legal obligations. Where applicable, we also store your personal data for other purposes, if and for as long as the law allows us to store it for specific purposes, including for the defense of a legal claim. If you close your customer account, we will delete all data stored about you. If the complete deletion of your data is not possible or is not necessary for legal reasons, the data concerned will be blocked for further processing.

It is possible to waive the deletion of data in the cases provided for by law if it concerns anonymous or pseudonymous data and if the deletion makes it impossible or harms processing for scientific research or statistical purposes. seriously.

11 How is my data protected by A Table in a Box?

We transmit your personal data by encrypting it. This applies to your order and your customer login. For this purpose, we use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encoding system. In addition, we secure our website and other systems using technical and organizational measures against the loss, destruction, access, modification or dissemination of your data by any unauthorized person.

12 Changes to this privacy policy

As part of the development of our website, as well as in the context of the implementation of new technologies to improve our service to you, changes to this privacy policy may be necessary. Therefore, we recommend that you review this privacy policy from time to time.

13 Contacts

On data, you can contact our data protection team at any time for any general questions about data protection and the exercise of your rights.

To contact our data protection officer directly, please send a letter to the address below mentioning on the envelope "For the attention of the data protection officer":

A Table in a Box SNC

Rue Adrien-Lachenal 22

1207 Geneva, Switzerland


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